What are Havening Techniques ®?
The Havening Techniques® are healing modalities designed to help individuals overcome problems that are the consequence of traumatic or stressful encoding. They belong to a larger group of methods called psycho-sensory therapies, which use sensory input to alter thought, mood, and behaviour.
The system is comprised of protocols and methods that use touch as a therapeutic tool we call Havening Touch®. This touch generates a delta wave in the brain and as a consequence, we also refer to Havening Techniques as Delta Techniques™.
Havening can be used within a psychotherapeutic setting with professional mental health-care clinicians who have been fully trained and certified in the Havening Techniques®.
What are Havening Techniques ®?
The Havening Techniques® are healing modalities designed to help individuals overcome problems that are the consequence of traumatic or stressful encoding. They belong to a larger group of methods called psycho-sensory therapies, which use sensory input to alter thought, mood, and behaviour.
The system is comprised of protocols and methods that use touch as a therapeutic tool we call Havening Touch®. This touch generates a delta wave in the brain and as a consequence, we also refer to Havening Techniques as Delta Techniques™.
Havening can be used within a psychotherapeutic setting with professional mental health-care clinicians who have been fully trained and certified in the Havening Techniques®.
Who invented Havening Techniques®?
Neuroscientist and Harvard graduate Ronald Ruden and his twin brother Steven Ruden MD invented Havening.
How do I describe Havening?
Havening is like giving yourself a hug. And we know from hugging another person, we feel good. A “cuddle hormone” called oxytocin is released.
This reduces any stress and anxiety you may have been experiencing prior to the hug. It also lowers blood pressure (which can only ever be a good thing!
When all of this happens during a hug, feeling better, like you are in a “safe haven”, being held and supported, this, in turn, helps boost mental, physical, and emotional health. You experience a better sense of well-being.
What do I need for a session?
Just come with an open mind for the possibility of a positive change and trust in me that I am there to support and guide you through the process of Havening.
Ladies & gentlemen, please wear minimal make-up as Havening Touch will be applied to your face either by me your practitioner or yourself.
Wear a light top, if possible short-sleeved as HAvening touch will be applied to your arms.
How many sessions will I need?
Havening Touch is typically 4 sessions in total. The first session will be the longest to include a detailed intake.
The subsequent 3 sessions will be an hour long each, clearing up what has been uncovered in session 1 and also building resilience.
Is there somewhere I can see what Havening is like?
Yes, you can! I recorded a video of myself self-havening with a powerful affirmation so you can see what Havening is like.
Is Havening Permanent?
It’s not possible to provide any guarantees but once Havening is successful, it has shown to be permanent in most cases.
This is because Havening is believed to alter the biological structure of the brain. The return of symptoms implies either the traumatic core has not yet been found or the problem has been encoded in a different way. In particular, addictive and obsessive/compulsive behaviours, certain pain syndromes and vasovagal (e.g. fainting) issues often need reinforcement or cannot be treated with the Havening Techniques at the present time.
No therapy works for all problems, but Havening is demonstrating that it’s possible to successfully treat disorders that have not been resolved by western medicine.
Although the Havening Techniques® appear to have promising emotional, mental, and physical health benefits, they have yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities, and therefore, may be considered experimental.
Havening Techniques® are self-regulated and they are considered alternative or complementary healing methods.
What Types of Problems Can Havening be Used for?
The consequences of traumatic encoding can be physical and psychological.
These are just some of the issues Havening can help with, there are so much more that aren’t listed.
- Phobias
- Chronic pain
- Distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, etc.)
- Victims of natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.) and
- Man-made (war, fire, assault, home intrusion, etc.)
- Anger
- Fear of abandonment
- Stress
- Self Esteem
- Cravings
- Panic attacks
- Sexual abuse
- Performance enhancement
- Public speaking
- Sports
- Emotional eating
Should you wish to find out more on Havening Techniques® visit www.havening.org
For more details of the science behind the work, for white papers visit http://havening.org/about-havening/articles
As a registered and certified Havening Techniques® practitioner you can view my profile and testimonials on this link